Join us in supporting the nation’s ONLY female whiskey consumer conference. The Bourbon Women National SIPosium Conference showcases and celebrates whiskey education and industry trends to 400+ women from across the nation. Through exciting excursions, compelling seminars, and unique experiences, your brand will reach these affinity influencers.
- Women account for 30-40% of all whiskey sales. Are you getting your share?
- Women are responsible for or influence 85% of all consumer purchasing and are vocal advocates of the brands they love, sharing with friends, family, and community. Women talk; women listen.
- No other whiskey-focused conference gives you such intimate access to women eager to become brand advocates in their communities.
Let’s Get You In Front of Women Passionate about Spirits!
Click the buttons below to download our SIP Sponsorship Packet, the SIPosium sponsorship application and agreement or our Annual Sponsorship Packages to get started. 2024 SIPosium opportunities coming soon.
To take full advantage of your sponsorship opportunities with our women, discover our Annual Sponsorship Program that includes SIP events, branch events, corporate membership and bundles them together with our ala carte sponsorship opportunities for a steal of a deal!
Contact Michelle Romero ( or for more information.