Thank you so much for participating in the first-ever Bourbon Women digital conference! We hope you enjoyed all three days of workshops that were curated for women, by women.
From cocktail sachets and smashes to pig back yeast and barrel proof, we want to hear about your experience during the SIP Summer Series.
Did you find the content to be enjoyable and compelling? What topics did you like best? Your feedback means the world to us and will help us to plan future events and programming – both virtual and in-person.
Do you have a few minutes to share your thoughts? You do? Great! Please click the button below.

Stand with Bourbon Women and their mission to educate, mentor and celebrate the spirited nature of women who enjoy their Bourbon. When you support Bourbon Women you invest in like-minded individuals already raising their glasses to women in the industry and as loyal consumers. Your support means the world to us—Cheers! Click below to SUPPORT US.
BW Amber Circle
Raising up more than just our glass!
In 2019 a group of amazing women recognized the professional development opportunity provided at the annual Bourbon Women SIPosium Conference and decided that they wanted to share the SIPosium experience with promising local women by eliminating all cost barriers. Amber Circle benefactors and scholars gathered together for a life changing breakfast cocktail to express gratitude and raise up one another. The Amber Circle is all about paying forward that special brand of Bourbon Women kindness. It can be an extreme gesture like the inaugural Amber Circle Six that paid for a stranger to attend SIP. However, there are no gestures too small. The Amber Circle grows every time a Bourbon Woman gifts an intern a book, delivers a casserole to a new mom, brings the new-girl-in-town to a Bourbon Women event.

Thank you to our generous donors:
Rebecca Q.