by bourbonwomen | Aug 20, 2021 | Community, Honorable Mention Cocktail Recipes
Watermelon goes surprisingly well with whiskey, making for a refreshing summer cocktail combo. Thank you to Katie Mazur for submitting this recipe to our 2021 NYPD Cocktail Competition amateur division! Watermelon Rye-Zing 1/2 cup cubed watermelon 3oz Rabbit Hole...
by bourbonwomen | Aug 16, 2021 | Community, Meet The Makers
Brittany Penny is the Founder of The IX Bourbon, pronounced “The Nine,” a project she dreamed up during sleepless nights with her newborn. She wanted to do something that not only honored the “firsts” achieved by African-Americans but also that...
by bourbonwomen | Aug 13, 2021 | Community, Honorable Mention Cocktail Recipes
Did you know that jams and jellies can make a great cocktail sweetener in a pinch? Use them in place of simple syrups if you don’t have the time to make it ahead of time. Thank you to Adina L Ewaldz for this delicious cocktail recipe! Under the Kentucky Sun 1...
by bourbonwomen | Aug 9, 2021 | Community, Meet The Makers
Heather Manley is the Founder and CEO of Crooked Water Spirits. Her journey in the distilling industry began with a surprising dill-infused aquavit, which promoted her to change the course of her life. BW: What was the ‘aha’ moment that made you realize...
by bourbonwomen | Aug 6, 2021 | Community, Honorable Mention Cocktail Recipes
We had some fantastic Honorable Mentions from our amateur entries this year for Not Your Pink Drink! Thank you Carrie Cole for this Old Fashioned riff, which she says is “a sweet and spicy take on a classic cocktail.” Honey Cinnamon Old Fashioned Rabbit...