Bourbon Women share in the grief and sorrow of the deaths of black Americans including George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and many others who came before them. As an organization, we are actively seeking ways to improve inclusivity and elevate women of color, who have long been underrepresented in all facets of the distilling industry.
Since our founding, Bourbon Women’s mission has been to amplify the voices of those less heard. We need to do more. Today, we’re announcing the formation of a Diversity & Inclusion advisory council to help us further fulfill that mission. We are actively recruiting women among our membership to serve on this council.
Bourbon Women listen and learn … but we also act. We hope to hear from you as we take this important step. From this initiative we will create thoughtful discussion and tangible action to support diversity. Alongside this first step, we will contribute funds from our Amber Circle scholarship fund for diversity initiatives.
If you are interested in joining the advisory council, please visit our website to submit your information —